Micro? Macro?

One message that made a mark on me in childhood was an Amar Chitra Katha panel of Buddha saying “All desires bring pain” – a statement I have reflected on extensively (probably even excessively) of late.  I studied Economics for school certificate exams from the University of London and again…

Of Camels and Life

In my erstwhile home for a short sojourn, I enjoyed getting together with old friends. Recently, one mentioned to another how the previous time they had met was the last time I had visited. It set me thinking. The temporariness of a short visit often helps to make and concentrate…

Mami? How dare you!

I was first addressed as mami by an elderly waiter at a restaurant in Mahabalipuram, two days after my marriage. I remember looking behind and around myself then, to find who the addressee was! Until I realised it was I. 🙂 I was tickled pink at my new promotion! It made my…