Kunnakudi M Balamurali Krishna – Podcast

In this episode, Kunnakudi Sri. Balamurali Krishna, Carnatic vocalist, says that as he engages in teaching, he finds himself reflecting on the genius of his Guru, Sri. PS Narayanaswamy, who managed to impart the intricacies of every song appropriately for each student understanding each individual’s strengths. He presents a Jayadevar ashtapadi in rAgam Lalith at the end of his talk.
This podcast is part of the Quarantunes series, featuring Indian Classical Musicians, recorded during the worldwide shutdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Released one by one, the full series is at https://lakshmianand.com
Sri. Balamurali Krishna has been a student of Sri. PS Narayanaswamy since age 8. Prior to that he learned from his father Sri. R Meenakshisundaram and briefly from Neyveli Sri. R Santhanagopalan and Sri. V Sundaresan. Sri. Balamurali Krishna has also learned mridangam under Guru Karaikudi Sri. Mani.
Sri. Balamurali Krishna says that he experiments a lot during his concerts and likes to ‘live on the edge’ while he explores uncharted territories. He has done collaborations with Hindustani and Western musicians as Jugalbandhi-s and fusion concerts in India and abroad. He has a select set of students and specialises in instilling the fundamentals and the value of gamakkam ‘azhuttham’.
Sri. Balamurali Krishna has Masters degrees in Commerce and Music.
Sri.M.Balamuralikrishna….1 (Mangalampalli) MBalamuralikrishna…2 Sri.Meenakahi sundaram.. Kunnakkudi M.B.K. in the last few years draw the attention of both Carnatic Vidvans and the music rasigaas. We have heard magazines praising him as the talented singer, and among the best singers. He is young, and has many years of singing left in him.Very happyto note his gurus are Sri.P.S.N, Neyveli Mr.Santhana gopalan,and his own father is his music teacher. He has to his credit the the knowledge of playing Mridangam leart from another genius Sri.Karaikui Mani. The one pleasing message from him is the online learning of Sanskrit slokas along with his wife. Right he is saying to every one, know te meaning of slokas, and always try to learn it. The social media youtube provides us with A to Z in Carnatic music, and the search brings within minutes the songs, meaning, tuition and so on. MR.BMK, expresses how he is more interested in learning and creating Pallavis, and on reverse attempt. Besides he is also involved in Jugalbandis, and his Hindustani, western classical knowledge , will offer more food for his innovative skill. Like many others in te field, he is also coaching students on music , and can find more time at his disposal taking advantage of the lock down. His foreign our programmes are cancelled, and no one knows, when exactly te future concerts will begin. COVID 19 ..is like a new RaGa, to learn and master it is difficult for the present. As MBK has said, no drug available entirely for its cure. The fine arts, as well as the entertainment industry are put to much hardship, and we all dont know, what is in store for the world and its people. We believe in God. We all have more free time now, to sing on the God, the slokas on him , and surely our collective prayers , will bring lasting happiness. We can thank our Govts for making available freely the essential commodities, for every one’s use. Be happy with your stretching within the four walls. Thanks once again Mrs.Lakshmi Anand and Kunnakkudi Sri.MBK, for keeping us musically engaged