Lalgudi Vijayalakshmi – Podcast
“Silly humans. Why don’t you pause? How ignorantly you let so much pass?”
– from a poem written by Lalgudi Smt. Vijayalakshmi, in the voice of Mother Nature.

Lalgudi Smt. Vijayalakshmi is the daughter and disciple of the renowned violinist and musician Lalgudi Sri. G Jayaraman. Smt. Vijayalakshmi expresses her grave concern about the present situation and with a college going son away in the United States, worries about the world we will leave behind for the next generation. She expresses her love for nature through poems she has written and sings a prayer – an extract from a Navarasa varNam composed by her father.
This podcast is part of the Quarantunes series, featuring Indian Classical Musicians, recorded during the worldwide shutdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Released one by one, the full series is at
As a violinist, Smt. Vijayalakshmi performs solo, duet and collaborates with artistes across genres. She is also a vocalist, a composer, and a teacher. This past week, wishing to tangibly reach out, she performed online twice – once with her brother Sri. GJR Krishnan and solo the second time – as fundraisers. They raised Rs. 2 lakhs within 48 hours benefiting several unemployed single women with children, identified by the Arunodhaya Foundation for Street and Working Children.
I cannot even fathom what to write. This podcast series is a fantastic idea, hearing from our idols brings the messages loud and clear. I have always admired how dear Mrs. Vijayalakshmi views everything with a clear lens and so articulately presents her vision and hopes and her fears for a better world. The varnam, slokam and the Sahana she played is divinity in itself. Bravo 👏👏👏
Dear Viji akka,
Firstly, thank you for sharing such personal and emotional thoughts with your listeners. You have aptly expressed the dilemmas we are all undergoing and thinking about; the gratefulness that many of us have shelter, food, family, our work; the worry and concern that many others are suffering greatly due to their tough circumstances; Mother Nature is indeed healing as she has had to forcefully ask us to Pause; the concern that we will resort to our old ways once this is over… I truly share your sentiments and have been inspired by all that you have said and shared. Sahana indeed is an apt expression for these times. My pranams and well wishes to you and your family as always. Thank you again for enriching our lives with your soulful Music.
Viji – thank you for sharing your thoughts with such authenticity and grace. Beautiful poetry, lovely music and inspiring prayer. Thank you and reminding us to not forget the lessons of this time. ❤️🙏
Thanks to Vijju for sharing podcast link.
– Jyothi from New Jersey
Silly humans indeed – beautiful poetry and well spoken – but it is true that the silly humans have taken everything for granted – no gratitude or thankfulness for the abundance given to us. And as much as we hope we will learn from this experience – the silly humans will be back to their races – soon forgetting the shutdown – and its impact – Let’s pray and hope atleast some recognize the beauty of what’s been given to us and strive to cherish it .. well articulated studded with some awesome poetry preceded by a gracious Sahana ending with a touching prayer. Stay safe and let’s hope this ends soon and the world is back on its feet soon ..
The Lalgudi siblings’ effort is highly commendable at a time when the entire world is maimed to a halt by the menace of the Coronavirus. We all know that the Lalgudis’ music remain a metaphor for nectar to ears, fodder to intellectuals and a concoction for tranquility to one’s mind ; but the Lalgudi siblings have proved now that their music could extend to raise charity for food for the starving lot of the country.
Lalgudi Smt.Vijaya Lakshmi’s verbal musings expressed in the above audio elicit her humane traits of compassion and empathy with those wallowing in hunger and destitution. Indeed, a great gesture by them.
Dear Smt Viji, I have shared your very thoughtful speech with my sons too.
You have beautifully and logically explained the past, present and future situations.
A very well packaged presentation displaying your compassion through music; expressing your inner feelings; and resilience. Let’s all pray and act in a conducive manner for the wellbeing of people who are less fortunate than we are.
Dear Viji,
A worthy daughter of Legend Lalgudi Sir carrying on a great legacy as well as maintaining your individuality.Your duets with brother Krishnan is always a sheer delight.I first attended your duet with GJRK in 1986.I have attended several duet concerts of Lalgudi sir with GJRK and Violin trio also featuring both generations.
i always look forward to your performance.You have a generous mind to help the needy in distress times as you did recentli.