Musicians engage listeners in novel ways

With time on their hands and normalcy nowhere in sight, Carnatic musicians are resorting to thought provoking, interesting and carefully curated video series’ to engage with others. This reflects a change from the first lockdown fourteen months ago which resulted in a surfeit of ad-hoc, generally poor-quality programming, in what…

Ashwath Narayanan – Podcast

“…being sure of my music. Never get carried away by what peers do or get pressurised by anything that might seem like a fancy trend but is not something that is natural to me….” Ashwath Narayanan on his Guru-s’ advice. Carnatic vocalist Sri. Ashwath Narayanan tells us about his musical…

Sumesh Narayanan

Bubbly, enthusiastic, cheerful – these describe multi-faceted Sumesh Seshadri Nath Narayanan to a T. As a vibrant mridangist, he has accompanied Bombay Jayashri, Abhishek Raghuram, S Sowmya, Sikkil Gurucharan and more. A key member of the fusion bands IndoSoul and Sparsh, he has also acted in the recently released movie,…