Life is contrasts

Death, Birth. Marriage, Widowhood. Sickness, Health. Music, Silence. Vignettes of utter contrasts back to back all within 18 hours. Life itself, in fact, encapsulated in a nutshell. Last night, I ‘attended’ a wedding online. Today, an online memorial meet for my husband’s schoolmate. Right before, I caught what I could…

Of Camels and Life

In my erstwhile home for a short sojourn, I enjoyed getting together with old friends. Recently, one mentioned to another how the previous time they had met was the last time I had visited. It set me thinking. The temporariness of a short visit often helps to make and concentrate…

Friends Old and New

Recently, I spent good, quality time with friends of old whom I have been in touch with constantly, though we have not physically met in a while, geographically separated as we are. As usually happens on such occasions, we reminisced – how we were then, barely into adulthood, and how…